getting through a crazy week without forgetting to do something important.
seeing Sophia in her Brownie enrollment Tuesday night.
eating the pumpkin pie I bought at a bake sale on Thursday. I couldn't get any of my family to eat any, so I had it all to myself. And I did eat it all... In five servings, I think. Pumpkin pie is great for breakfast
taking Friday off. The girls (and Neil) also had the day off school. I did stuff around the house, but I'm sorry to say it looks no better right now than when Friday started.
going to a Christmas card stamp camp with a friend and making some beautiful cards. It was a fun evening, and I'm pleased to have finished them all there so I don't have to finish them at home (which is typical for me).
seeing many relatives on Neil's side in Avonlea on Saturday and at Aunt Elsie's funeral and supper on Sunday. It's always great to visit with them. The service was lovely too.
eating all the great food served at Neil's parents' house on Saturday and at the large family supper on Sunday.
getting August and September photos selected and printed over the weekend. They were especially
Photo-heavy months (even without those two weeks of vacation photos I
Lost), so it was a big job. I'm glad it's done though, and I'm happy to be a little more
Prepared for my weekly scrapbook assignments.
applewoman, basment waterproofing, basment striping, basment remodeling, basment rap, basment jaxxs.

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